Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Somewhere in the ocean
A huge ship unleashes its might
The fury hits the city.
Doves fly up from the mosque
The city rumbles.
Smoke slithers through the streets
Like a dying snake.
Now there is fire.
Human struggle.
No song in the City.
There is death.
It is just the beginning.
Someday we will see what
The enlightened already do.
When the birds of peace rise
From the city
On outstretched wings
Towards a sky ablaze with nothing
But the colors of dawn.


JustRingingBirds said...

Well! That was a sad song! That is probably what an Gaza city inhabitant feels when the worst hit them. I thought of them. What a sad, but in a strange way, beautiful poem. I presume that is your poem. Do you think they can see the dawn yet? I'm not that sure for a long time. I think it just in the early stages. Sadly!
Are you as sad as you write? Or was it just a temporary mood?

FeralBirdGirl said...

I wrote that 8 years ago when the US invaded Afganistan. I just found it and decided to post it as it seems to relate to the state of many parts of the world today, sadly.

JustRingingBirds said...

Then I'm really impressed. 15 -16 years old and so political aware. And so mature. I did not se any juvenal in that lyric. And there goes some of my predjudies against americans. All for war and cheering for Bush. There are hope over there as well. :-)
So have you come to any conclution of what to do whith your near future?
If not, and your globetrotting mood feels overwelming. All of Swedens birdobservatorys are in need of a experiant bander/ birder. Specially Landsort. We take good care of you. But, of course finishing your education is more important.

FeralBirdGirl said...

Oh there are many, many Americans that do not agree with Bush's policies or the war in Iraq or Afganistan. Bush's approval rating was very low the last year or so of his presidency, maybe longer.
I have finished school and will be working in the field here soon (with birds). I would love to visit Swenden and perhaps help with banding. Definitely something to keep in mind!